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Cambrian Flying Club

Private pilot training


from beginner to pro !

CAA Part-FCL Pilot Licence (PPL)

This course allows the licence holder to fly in ICAO airspace e.g. USA, Australia etc. CAA Part-FCL holders can build on the licence privileges by adding additional ratings to the licences e.g. Night, Instrument Rating (Restricted) (IR(R)), Multi Engine and Instrument ratings. This is also the first step to achieving a commercial pilot’s licence and maybe a new career in aviation

 Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL)

CAA LIGHT AIRCRAFT PILOTS LICENCE (LAPL) – The course is intended to train an applicant to fly any simple single-engine aeroplane with a maximum all up weight of 2000 kgs. The licence allows the holder to fly solely within UK airspace only, and carry up to a maximum of 3 passengers.

Instrument Rating (Restricted) (IR(R))

An Instrument Rating (Restricted) (IR(R)) Rating extends the privileges of a PPL(A) holder to allow flight as Pilot-in-Command when out of sight of the surface, when in IMC conditions and in class D or E airspace in circumstances which require compliance with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR).

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